List of stipends and grants
Grant for associate senior lecturers (BUL)
Research grants
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Research grant Horisont
Research grants
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Research Grants
The Society awards competitive research grants for moderately expensive equipment, materials, and fieldwork as well as for visits to other research institutions to actively participate in research. Grants are awarded on the basis of applications that are reviewed by the Fellows of the Society. Each endowment has its own particular terms and conditions which are outlined in the endowment’s application instructions. Younger researchers are prioritised.
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The Society's Special Grants
The Society has a number of endowments with specific regulations that prevent them from being classed as regular research and travel grants. For instance, grants reserved for the Society’s Fellows, and funds reserved for lectures within specific subject areas, are good examples. These funds are awarded by special committees, some of which include members that are not Fellows of the Society.
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Travel Grants
Travel grants are reserved for participation in conferences and workshops, for fieldwork and for research collaborations at another institution, preferably outside the Nordic region. Grants are awarded at a standard flat rate depending on the destination of the applicant. Terms and conditions can be found in the instructions.
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