
 Fyra aftnar - En föreläsningsserie om klimatet

Lilla salen, AF-borgen, Lund at 6 p.m.. Free entrance. The public is welcome.


4 aftnar: Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist 19th of September

4 aftnar: Elin Jacobsson 3rd of October

4 aftnar: Markku Rummukainen 31st of October

4 aftnar: Lena Neij 14th of November

Barbro B Johanssonsymposium 2022

Symposiet "Den balanserade hjärnan" äger rum på Skissernas Museum den 21 september kl. 18:00-20:30. Symposiet filmas live via vår hemsida.
Program (167,1 kB)    Affisch (195,3 kB)

Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets symposium: "Vad vi kan - och inte kan!"

 Barbro B Johansson symposium 2022

Symposiet "Den balanserade hjärnan" äger rum den 21 september på Skissernas museum i Lund.


"Fyra aftnar" - Talks about the climate

Programme (150.2 KB)

Cancersymposium/Royal Physiographic Jubilee Symposium, 6-7 september. Öppningsevent för allmänheten den 5 september. 

Read more here and here

Får man forska om allt?

The Societ will arrange the Rausing symposium "Får man forska om allt?" on May 17th 2022.

Programme (1.0 MB)

The symposium will be sent live here on our website.

Barbro B Johansson symposium

The symposium "Musik och hjärnan" was held at Skissernas Museum in Lund.

Program Musik och hjärnan 21 sept. 2021.pdf (720.6 KB)

The symposium was filmed and can shorly be seen HERE.

Kontroverser inom vetenskapen

The Society arranged the symposium "Kontroverser inom vetenskapen", supported by Ruben Rausin donation, on May 18th 2021.
The symposium can be seen on the Swedish site.

Sandblomdagen 2019
Æ-INTELLIGENS - Artificiell och emotionell intelligens i medicinens tjänst

The Symposium occured in  Aulan, Skånes universitetssjukhus, Lund, on October 24 2019 at 14:00-18:00.

Free entrance

Barbro B Johansson symposium

The symposium "DEN FELSTAVANDE HJÄRNAN - Vetenskap - Musik" took place on September 18 2019 at Skissernas Museum in Lund.

See our programme 

Den akademiska friheten

The Society arranged the symposium "Den akademiska friheten" supported by Ruben Rausin donation.

The symposium took place on on May 14 at Grand Hotel in Lund and can be seen on the Swedish site. 


Sandblomdagen 2018

Den sjuka sjukvården - och den friska

Sandblomdagen October 25th, see our
and our

See the whole symposium . 

Universitetet i förändring

On May 15th the Society arranged the symposium "Universitetet i förändring" på Grand Hotel i Lund.

Programme "Universitetet i förändring" (966,2 kB) 

You can see the lectures

Barbro B Johansson symposium

The Symposium "DEN STIMULERADE HJÄRNAN - Vetenskap - Musik" took place on April 26 2018 at Skissernas Museum inLund.

See our programme

"Åtta aftnar" under 2017 med de Lärda sällskapen

Här you can see the lectures 

Sandblomdagen 2017

Möte - bemötande i sjukvården
Sandblomdagen October 26, 2017

See the lectures on Sandblomdagen 

The Thinking Animal - are other animals intelligent?

The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund organized a symposium ”The Thinking Animal – are other animals intelligent?”, held in Lund on September 14th 2017.

To see the lectures click here  


Forskningens trovärdighet

The symposium was held on May 17 2017 at Grand Hotel in Lund and can been seen Here

Roboten - människans vän eller fiende

The symposium took place on March 28th, 2017, between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration in mandatory. See our for registration

Se our

The Evil Brain (Den onda hjärnan)

On March 2nd, 2017, from 6.00-8.30 pm, the Royal Physiographic Society held the Barbro B. Johansson Symposium, “The Evil Brain” at the Museum of Sketches in Lund.

See programme

Sandblomdagen 2016

You can see the lectures from Sandblomdagen 2016 on Youtube.

Nya satsningar - Nya idéer - Nya möjligheter

The symposium took place at Grand Hotel in Lund on May 18th, 2016. Here you can see the lectures Majsymposium 2016

Utan jord - inget liv eller Den goda jorden ( No soil - no life or the good soil) 

The symposium took place at Grand Hotel in Lund on the 25th of November 08:25 - 17:00.  For more information se our 

Sandblomdagen 2015

You can see the lecture with Hans Rosling here on Youtube

The Recruitment & Renewal of Research (Forskningens rekrytering & förnyelse)

The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund aranged the symposium "Forskningens rekrytering & Förnyelse" on May 19th 2015 at Grand Hotel in Lund. The symposium was filmed and will soon be available on our website.

Female - Male - Are there differences? (Kvinnligt - Manligt - Finns det skillnader?)

Together with the Brain Trust and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lund, the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund arranged the symposium “Female – Male – Are there differences?” on April 28th 2015, 09:00-17:30, in the Aula of the University Hospital in Lund. 

Attendance is by application only, see our poster   Our programme is here

The Expressive Brain (Den uttrycksfulla hjärnan)


On January 27th 2015, from 6.00-8.30 pm, the Royal Physiographic Society held the Barbro B. Johansson Symposium, “The Expressive Brain: Science-Music” at the Museum of Sketches in Lund. The symposium was filmed, and can be seen here (in Swedish) Den utrycksfulla hjärnan

See the programme here (in Swedish) 

The Sandblom Day (Sandblomdagen) 2014


Lectures from the Sandblom Day, October 29th 2014, can be seen here (in Swedish) Sandblomsdagen 2014

The Responsibility of Research in Society (Forskningens samhällsansvar)


On May 13th 2014 the Royal Physiographic Society held the Symposium “The Responsibility of Research in Society”, which was held at the Grand Hotel in Lund.

Is Swedish research sensitive to trends? Are researchers too compliant, and overly protective of their grants? Can taxpayers trust that high standards for the quality, integrity and long-term vision of the research are achieved? What actually is the situation for research today? These difficult but urgent questions were debated at the symposium by researchers from different disciplines and faculties. 

On13th 2014 the Royal Physiographic Society held the Symposium “The Responsibility of Research in Society”, which was held at the Grand Hotel in Lund. 

The symposium can be seen on Youtube.

The Creative Brain and the Brain’s Creation (Den skapande hjärnan och hjärnans skapande)


On January 29th 2014, from 6.00-8.45 pm, the Royal Physiographic Society held the Symposium, “The Creative Brain and the Brain’s Creation: Science-Music-Art”, at the Museum of Sketches in Lund.

Click here to see our program 

Are Good Science and Good Morals to the Advantage of Society? (Bra vetenskap och god moral till samhällets båtnad?)


On November 20th 2013 the Royal Physiographic Society, together with the Lund University Historical Society, Akademiska Föreningen and AF Borgen, held the Symposium “Are Good Science and Good Morals to the Advantage of Society? – On Areschoug, Lidforss and Nilsson-Ehle during Lund’s previous century”. This symposium depicted the Lund milieu of the early 20th century, and discussed how we best should remember those eminent scientists and personalities whose opinions even today are considered by some to be repugnant.

Creative Environments (Kreativa Miljöer)


On September 11th 2013, together with the Brain Trust, the Royal Physiographic Society held a symposium in the Aula of the University Hospital in Lund. The symposium dealt with creative environments and how they are created. 

Our Daily Bread – What Does Research Tell Us? (Vårt dagliga bröd – Vad säger forskningen?)


This symposium illuminated different aspects of the meaning of food for health, on how food products are made with modern methods and how the health effects of food can be optimised. The symposium also dealt with food from an historical perspective (how we have eaten and how we eat today) and as well dealt with the effects of culture, religion and economics on our food behaviour. This symposium was held at the Grand Hotel in Lund on May 21st 2013. The symposium can be seen (in Swedish) on Youtube.

Endless Reproduction (Den oändliga reproduktionen)


It was 30 years ago that Sweden’s first test tube baby was born, and since then five million babies have been born with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. In 2010, Robert Edwards was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work in this area. This was the theme of the symposium held on February 12th 2013.

The Sandblom Day (Sandblomdagen) 2012


ectures from the Sandblom Day, October 25th 2012, can be seen at the following link (in Swedish). Click on Sandblomdagen 2012.

The Usefulness of Reaserch (Forskningens nytta)


On May 15th 2012 the Royal Physiographic Society held a symposium at the Grand Hotel in Lund with the theme “The Usefulness of Research”. The symposium illuminated what is useful about research? What can Society expect as a return on invested research funds, directly and in the long term? How can reconcile curiosity driven research with profitability and possible benefits? And how visible are the benefits of culturally related research? How does one actually measure the usefulness of research? Usefulness for whom, and for what? Refer to the Publication List.

From Nerves to Pills (Från nerv till piller)


On April 27th 2012, the Royal Physiographic Society, together with the Medical Faculty at the University of Lund, held the symposium “From Nerves to Pills”, held in the Aula of the University Hospital in Lund. The symposium commemorated the 1962 publication of a scientific article by Bengt Falck and Nils-Åke Hillarp, which has come to be one of the most cited papers in the field of Biomedicine. The article describes a new and revolutionary method for detecting important signalling molecules in nerve cells. The new method rapidly opened up new research areas, and these laid the foundation for current research in the neurosciences..
One can listen to the symposium (in Swedish) at the link Från nerv till piller

Ultrasound in Clinical Diagnostics (Ultraljud i klinisk diagnostik)  

On February 2nd 2012, the Royal Physiographic Society held the symposium “Ultrasound in Clinical Diagnostics – From Pioneering Discoveries in Lund to Global Medical Applications”. The symposium described how a pioneering discovery by two researchers in Lund revolutionised medical diagnostics. One can listen to the symposium (in Swedish) at the link Ultraljudssymposiet. Then click on the folder “Ultraljud i klinisk diagnostic” in the bottom left hand corner. Refer to our Publications.

The Sandblom Day (Sandblomdagen) 2011


Lectures from the Sandblom Day, October 26th 2011, can be seen at the following link (in Swedish). Click on   Sandblomdagen 2011.

The Steering of Research (Forskningens styrning)


On May 17th 2011, the Royal Physiographic Society held a symposium with the theme “The Steering of Research” at the Grand Hotel in Lund. The symposium illuminated the way research is steered, either by politics or by an individual researcher’s discoveries, by donations, by research councils and by foundations. Refer to our Publications. 

The Ethical Limits of research (Forskningens etiska gränser)


On May 18th 2010, the Royal Physiographic Society held a symposium with the theme “The Ethical Limits of Research”. The symposium’s speakers covered the freedom of researchers, their ethical responsibilities and the ethical problems associated with, among other things, business financing and nanotechnology. Refer to our Publications.

The Delivery of Knowledge to Business (Kunskapsleverans till näringslivet)


On May 5th 2009, the Royal Physiographic Society held a minisymposium in Lund at which representatives for businesses and universities discussed how businesses assimilate research occurring at universities. Refer to our Publications.

More Research for the Money (Mer forskning för pengarna)

2008-09-29 - 2008-09-30

On September 29th-30th 2008, the Society held a two-day symposium which attracted over 125 participants from research, politics and the general public. The direction of research at our universities was debated.

Learned Societies and the Future (De lärda sällskapen och framtiden)

2006-09-04 - 2006-09-05

On September 4th-5th 2006, the Society hosted a symposium in Lund that assessed Sweden’s so-called “learned societies” and their relationships to the media and to younger researchers. Refer to our Publications.

Learaned Societies and the New Millennium (De lärda Sällskapen inför ett nytt millennium)

2000-03-23 - 2000-03-24

On March 23rd-24th 2000, the Society hosted a symposium in Lund that assessed Sweden’s so-called “learned societies” and their future challenges. Refer to our Publications.

Land and Trees from Linnaeus to Brundtland (Mark och träd från Linné till Brundtland)


On October 20th 1992, the Royal Physiographic Society arranged an interdisciplinary symposium in Lund with theme of environmental protection and our views on the landscape. Refer to our Publications.

Biological signals


On December 1st-2nd 1972, a symposium was held in Lund to celebrate the Society’s 200th anniversary. The symposium dealt with signals in cells, organisms and ecosystems. Refer to our Publications.