Fellows in the Society's Committees

Albert Dubout (1905-1976) Ur: Villon (OEUVRES) Gibert Jeune Librairie d'amateurs, 61, Boulevard Saint-Michel, 61, Paris
Every third year the Society appoints new Fellows for the committees that decide and award research stipends. A Fellow can serve in a committee for at most two terms (3+3 years). The following Fellows are currently serving (2025-2027):
N.O. Berggren Committee
Professor Caroline Isaksson
Professor Bengt Hansson
Borglin Committe
Professor Torsten Fransson
Professor Magnus Genrup
Brodén Committee
Professor Erik Wahlén
Forssman Committee
Professor Per Alm
Professor Artur Schmidtchen
Gyllenberg Committee
Professor Nils Ryde
Professor Crister Ceberg
Professor Erik Wahlén
Holmberg Committee
Professor Nils Ryde
Professor Crister Ceberg
Professor emeritus Arne Ardeberg
Professor Johan Bijnens
Professor Melvyn Davies
Professor Dirk Rudolph
Professor Peter Samuelsson
Löfqvist Committee
Professor Marie Dacke
Professor Helena Westerdahl
Nerander Committee
Professor Sölve Elmståhl
Docent Ulf Kristoffersson
Nilsson-Ehle och Nilsson-Ehle Travel Fund Committees
Universitetslektor Marita Cohn (Mendelska sällskapet)
Professor Torbjörn Säll
Forskare/Docent Caroline Hansen Nord (Mendelska sällskapet)
Nilsson-Ehle Lecture Committee
Professor David Gisselsson Nord
Professor Mats Hansson
Professor Torbjörn Säll (Mendelska sällskapet)
Professor Pia Sundgren
Professor Katarina Hedlund
Professor Lars Rönnstrand
Professor Christer Löfstedt
Professor Raimund Muscheler
Professor Öivind Andersson
Professor Ulf Nilsson
Professor Kristian Pietras
Professor Emma Sparr
Professor Henry Svensson
Professor Hanna Isaksson
Sandblom Committee
Professor emeritus Göran Bexell
Professor emeritus Bengt Jeppsson
Familjen Sandblom, 1 representant
Dekanus medicinska fakulteten, eller av Dekanus utsedd representant
Schyberg Committee
Dekanerna för medicinska och naturvetenskapliga fakulteterna
Professor Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson
Professor Daniel Topgaard
Smedberg Committee
Professor Eva Degerman
Professor Artur Schmidtchen
Professor Anders Palm
The Permanent Secretary/Treasurer is a member of all committees.
The NMT Committee is responsible for those endowments that provide funds every third year, while an ad hoc committee is used for those endowments that provide funds every fifth year (see the Rules Governing the Endowments of the Society).
The Society’s Board is responsible for deciding and awarding stipends from the Younger Rsearchers Travel Fund and the Dunkers Endowment.
Medals and Prizes are decided and awarded by appointed committees in accordance with the rules of the endowment.